Saturday, June 9, 2007

Lryck Lagu

ney, ney, ney liriny mcr yg i don't luph u

My Chemical Romance - I don't love you

Well, when you go
so never think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can
* When you go
Would you even turn to say...
"I don't love you
Like I did

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you ought stay
And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can
Whoa, whooaa...
*When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did
Well come on, come on
When you go
Would you have the guts to say

"I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you
Yesterday... (2x)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

download mp3 yang kedua

ini adalah episode kedua dari post download mp3 (hwaks, emang sinetron apa ada episodenya)

Acha_Septriasa - Ft_Irwansyah_Mencintai_Cinta Download

Acha ft Irwansyah - Ada Cinta Download

Astrid - Merpati Putih Download

avril - when you've gone Download

Ungu (Ost Strawbery) - Disini Untukmu Download

Monita Idol - Kekasih sejati Download

My Chemical Romance - I don't Love You Download

bwt kiwil, ney blink nya,cobaen dlu mgkn bisa, klik disini

Saturday, June 2, 2007

uhm.... Peterpan apa the titans yach???

Peterpan vs The Titans

What vs???? emang mreka pada musuhan apa??? oughh engga kq, cuman d sni qw buat kaya' gini yach biar ada rasa gimanaaaa getow.... ehm... setelah qw denger2 lagu2ny peterpan dan the titans t'nyata mreka punya ciri lagu yang sama yaitu pop mellloww, nagh dari sini qw bandingin lagunya peterpan ama the titans...

Menurut prend2 qw yang suka lagu mellow (kalo aq si g suka"emang penting yaks?", oke kembali lagi ke topik pembahasan... sebagian mereka mengatakan kalo lagu peterpan lebih enak ketimbang the titans, tpi tmn qw yang laen nyangkal kalo masi bagusan the titans daripada ma peterpen, lho mang kenapa??? katany si arielnya sich nyanyi kayak kumur2 (wagh kalo ituw si mungkin ciri khasny dia kali yaw) setau ku si lagu peterpan yg sally sendiri (hehe ssorry ya, qw tauny cuman ini cz aq g suka ma lgu bertipe kayak gini, harap maklum deuch ;) kalo dibandingin ma laguny the titans yang "rasa ini" menurut aq enakan the titans, cuman dari segi musicnya, tapi kalo lirik nya yach taw dech, qw g ngedengerin 100% dengan baik dan benar siy mangkany ga taw.... hehehehe hwaks... pusying dech mikirny ouw i'ah truz
gimana ma kalian, setuju ngga ma opini qw, atow...

sHopzZ 2008